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David Raths

  • COVID-19 proved even to skeptics that a lot of government business can be done from anywhere. So, what happens to all the physical spaces that state and local governments invested in to house their workforce in California?
  • When the state Health and Human Services Agency decided that the replacement for a 20-year-old Child Welfare Services case management system would be the test bed for agile adoption, "It required rethinking everything, and procurement was definitely at the spearhead of the effort," said Peter Kelly, chief deputy director for the California Health and Human Services Agency’s Office of Systems Integration (OSI).
  • Accompanying important benefits of the switch from analog to digital, one challenge looms large: the increased risk of cyberattacks on 911 call centers.
  • While FirstNet gets $7 billion, next-gen 911 gets $150 million from the feds.
  • Is security the next as-a-service offering you’ll be sending to the cloud? As IT leaders have grown more comfortable with the security of software-as-a-service offerings and cloud storage, they also have started turning to cloud-based managed security services. For both commoditized basic services such as vulnerability testing and cloud security gateways to more sophisticated identity management and threat analysis, public-sector chief information security officers are growing more willing to consider managed security service providers (MSSPs).