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Dorsey Griffith
A growing cluster of startup incubators, makerspaces and co-working facilities are one of the biggest drivers of local innovation. Each of them have their own focus, flavor and future aspirations. Techwire profiles a half-dozen of these locations.
California has much to lose at the hands of cybercriminals bent on crippling critical infrastructure, shutting down essential services or stealing the private data of millions of people. State information security officials are designing and implementing systems and policies to meet a landscape of growing and ever-changing demands.
How government agencies are embracing innovative ways to solve problems.
Marybel Batjer, secretary of California's Government Operations Agency, acknowledges that agile development represents a vastly different approach for California.
A small but spirited revolution is underway in California’s information technology arena.
State leaders have scrambled to create a more centralized and accountable cybersecurity system, recognizing that the systems, agencies and departments responsible for safeguarding critical state services and the personal information of Californians aren’t immune from potentially catastrophic attacks.
According to widely reported statistics, only little more than half of state IT projects are deemed successes. Although that sounds bad — and it certainly isn’t good — the failure rate in the private sector, surprisingly, is even worse.