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Steve Towns

Teri Takai, former CIO for the U.S. Department of Defense and two of the nation’s largest states, will lead the Center for Digital Government (CDG)*, e.Republic’s national research and advisory institute on IT policy and best practices for state and local governments.
California is well represented in the 2015 Digital Cities Survey, an annual selection of the most strategic, efficient and innovative guardians of public-sector tech in the nation. Judged by the Center for Digital Government, operated by Techwire parent company e.Republic Inc., the top-ranked cities will receive an award on Nov. 5 at the annual National League of Cities conference in recognition of their achievements.
NASCIO poll and local efforts in Salt Lake City and Lexington, Ky., point to uptick in IoT planning.
To deliver services to a city of 4 million people spread across 469 square miles, you need numbers, to measure, and to have priority outcomes.
With rates tied to customer volume, adding users is key to success for the state’s CalCloud service.
Richard Sanchez joined Los Angeles County as an app developer nearly 40 years ago. After serving in a variety of management positions, he was named CIO of the nation’s most populous county in 2008.
The city of Los Angeles will release an RFI as early as this week seeking industry input on a combined gigabit fiber and free WiFi network, according to CIO ...