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Cyber-Secure Schools: A Holistic Approach by Palo Alto Networks

September 18, 2019 | 2:00 PM3:00 PM

We will set the base for a holistic approach to turn the challenges of cybersecurity in K-12 education into opportunity and success.

In the first of this 3-part series, we will set the base for a holistic approach to turn these challenges into opportunity and success.

  • How can boards and administrators move to reduce risk and create assurance that district and state regulatory needs are met, and do so in a financially advantageous way? 
  • How can CIO/CISOs and security teams prevent successful attacks and still have time to do everything else on their plate? 
  • And what resources are available to Principals and faculty to teach effective cybersecurity habits to students, to enhance their education and protect the school?


Meet the Speakers

Taylor Roden

David Cumbow
Systems Engineering Manager
Palo Alto Networks

Taylor Roden

Greg Herbold
Director, U.S. State & Local Gov't & Education  
Palo Alto Networks


Palo Alto Networks is the next-generation security company, leading a new era in cybersecurity by safely enabling applications and preventing cyber breaches for government agencies and educational institutions worldwide.