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As the next-generation security company, we are leading a new era in cybersecurity by safely enabling all applications and preventing advanced threats from achieving their objectives for government agencies and educational institutions around the world. We are the fastest growing security company in the market because of our deep expertise, commitment to innovation, and game-changing security platform focused on bringing an end to the era of breaches by uniquely integrating our Next-Generation Firewall, Advanced Endpoint Protection, and Threat Intelligence Cloud.

Because these capabilities are natively built into our platform and designed to deliver highly automated preventative measures against cyber-threats. We ensure superior security to legacy point technologies such as stateful inspection firewalls, UTMs, or endpoint security products.  With our platform, organizations can confidently pursue a digital-first strategy as they implement key technology initiatives or mandates within the cloud and mobile networks, while maintaining complete visibility and control, to protect their most valued data assets and critical control systems.