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Nasuni® is a file storage platform built for the cloud, powered by the world’s only global file system. Nasuni consolidates Network Attached Storage (NAS) and file server silos in cloud storage, delivering infinite scale, built-in backup, multi-site file synchronization, and local file server performance, all at half the cost of traditional file infrastructures. Enterprises use the Nasuni software-as-a-service platform for NAS consolidation; backup and recovery modernization; global file sharing; and rapid, infrastructure-free disaster recovery, and as a foundation for data analytics and multi-cloud IT initiatives.

Industry leaders rely on Nasuni to enhance workforce productivity, reduce IT cost and complexity, and maximize the business value of their unstructured data. Sectors served by Nasuni include consumer goods, manufacturing, creative services, engineering and construction, technology, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, financial services, and public sector. Nasuni is based in Boston, Mass. USA. For more information, visit