29 Future CIOs, IT Leaders Graduate From ITLA

Twenty-nine state IT workers graduated Friday from the Information Technology Leadership Academy, a program that the California Department of Technology uses to train future CIOs and IT leaders.

“How do you provide a path for leadership? It’s about influence, initiative and helping people coming behind you and those paving the way.”

That was part of state Chief Information Officer Amy Tong's message to the 25th graduating class of the Information Technology Leadership Academy (ITLA), which the California Department of Technology (CDT) conducts as a way to train future leaders in state procurement. The ceremony was held Friday. 

This ITLA class was the first to participate in a seven-month program, which has been accelerated from the previous nine-month curriculum. The course has also added an emphasis on “intentional leadership.” This year's graduating class had 29 students, 16 of whom were women. 

Tong encouraged graduates to create an alumni program to keep former grads connected, adding, “Holistic career development is what we are trying to highlight.” 

State Deputy CIO Chris Cruz, in his remarks, reminded grads to be humble leaders.

Many state CIOs and IT leaders were in attendance, many of whom were ITLA graduates themselves. 

Editor's Note: Techwire will include photo coverage as well as graduates' names on Tuesday.