CalPIA Seeks IT Leader

California's Prison Industry Authority, which provides workforce training to prisoners throughout the state and a catalog of products made within state prisons, is seeking a new chief information officer.

California's Prison Industry Authority, which provides workforce training to prisoners throughout the state and a catalog of products made within state prisons, is seeking a new chief information officer.

This will be the first CIO position within CALPIA and will oversee information management at both the central office and at the 35 locations within prisons.

"The California Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA) seeks approval to establish a new policy setting CEA over the Management Information Systems (MIS) Branch. This position will ensure effective enterprise management of Information Technology (IT) policies and have oversight of IT strategic planning, policy development, goal setting, ongoing support and enhancement of the statewide network of technology systems within CALPIA," the job posting reads.

Some of CALPIA's goals are to reduce recidivism, maintain self-sufficiency as a department and increase customer satisfaction, all of which the CIO will touch upon with well-managed systems. 

"The incumbent has a significant role as the Chief Information Officer, ensuring the Strategic Business Plan and CALPIA's Strategic Plan's objectives are met. This is done by ensuring staff have the IT resources and tools in place to track offender training and production; maintain systems that track CALPIA resources, including budget and accounting systems; allowing staff to work efficiently with IT solutions and thus increase overall customer satisfaction," the listing continues.

The CIO will report to the chief financial officer of CALPIA and will play "a key role in the formulation and recommendation of new and/or recommending revisions to existing IT policies, making policy decisions that impact the effectiveness of the CALPIA's programs and quality of service."

Kayla Nick-Kearney was a staff writer for Techwire from March 2017 through January 2019.