The state Department of Conservation is on track to complete its migration to the cloud by mid-year, after which it 'will likely start looking at opportunities to advance and leverage our new cloud-based infrastructure,' CIO Catherine Kendall tells Techwire.
Forty startups were selected out of 700 for this round's 16-week program. This year also saw 11 more governments selected for projects, in the U.S. and Canada.
He's spent his career in the private sector with 12 years as a project manager for SH Consulting and almost a year as an IT specialist for Hewlett-Packard.
After a little over a year of operating under emergency regulations, the state Office of Administrative Law has finalized California's cannabis industry's rules.
Gov. Gavin Newsom was predicted to be the technology governor, the guy who was going to shake things up. When it comes to IT and governance, he's already taken some steps in that direction.
Gov. Gavin Newsom's proposed budget contains several innovative ideas, including an Office of Digital Innovation run by the Government Operations Agency headed by Secretary Marybel Batjer.
Gov. Gavin Newsom has pressed for several new approaches in his first week in office, including a Department of Motor Vehicles Strike Team. GovOps Secretary Marybel Batjer, who leads the team, says it's too soon to talk about her plans.
Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a new Office of Digital Innovation and innovation academy in the state's proposed 2019-20 budget. He's calling for significant change in state IT governance and procurement practices.
Continuing its effort to act as a testing ground for innovative technologies, the city of Sacramento has paved the way for autonomous vehicle technology testing.
The executive order stretches the role of the Department of General Services (DGS) and the California Department of Technology (CDT) to "develop a new iterative procurement approach called an Innovation Procurement Sprint."
Networks of cameras and collaboration among public utilities, CalFire and research institutions have sprung up throughout the state to fight wildfires.
"Like any of these federal agencies that are closed as a result of the shutdown, [it] has put a burden on state and local governments that are engaging with them on a daily basis," Cal OES Director Mark Ghilarducci told Techwire. "They're a component that we plug into this toolbox and throughout this process, without them being open we continue to operate. We can't not operate."
The Governor's Office of Emergency Services is looking at integrating all 911 services under Next-Generation technology, which would allow Californians to send a text message in an emergency.
The system reports data at a school, district or state level, including test scores and graduation rates through 2018. It is also fully accessible on mobile devices.
The Government Operations Agency is launching the California Code website today. The site will host policies and, eventually, the state's open source projects.
Nabil Fares, CIO of the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, will retire from state service at the end of the year. Before he leaves, he reflects on some of his department's accomplishments during his tenure.
The past year has been focused on preparing for the 2018 elections, standing up secure websites and migrating voter registration to a secure disaster-recovery system — all within a few months.
Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin says state and local governments should use technology to enhance civic engagement among residents, with a focus on privacy and security.
Throughout the state, there are $60 billion in school bonds for construction. The state assumes a 5 percent inflation rate, which results in $250 million a month. The Division of the State Architect sees about $1 billion in work a month, according to State Architect Chester Widom.
He spent his years with the state overseeing the development of new applications on the Oracle platform and a migration from the legacy system to Sun Solaris Servers.
Los Angeles County's Internal Services Department has been moving county departments to an off-premises data center and migrating to a hybrid cloud architecture.
California's Judicial Council, the policy body constitutionally responsible for enforcing the impartial administration of justice by the state’s judicial branch, has released its Strategic Plan for Technology.