The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has issued a large request for proposalsfor the installation and upgrade to camera systems at various locations across Los Angeles County.
The solicitation, worth an estimated $6.3 million, notes that “the contractor must have either a Class A license or the following Class C license which constitutes a majority of the work: C-10 … .” Class A licenses are general engineering contractors, while the Class C-10 are electrical engineering contractors.
The installation and upgrade project will take an estimated 300 working days, according to the RFP. A list of bid items can be found here.
Bids are due no later than 2 p.m. Sept. 17. The point of contact for this RFP is the Caltrans Office Engineer.
Caltrans Issues Large RFP for Camera System Upgrades
The RFP from the California Department of Transportation is worth an estimated $6.3 million and will see camera system improvements at various locations across Los Angeles County.
