These developments present opportunities for vendors specializing in transportation technology, infrastructure resilience and safety solutions.
The annual event, open to the public sector and private sponsors, will feature a wide range of California IT leaders from the departments of Employment Development, Technology, Food and Agriculture and elsewhere.
The California Department of Transportation spent $12.1 million on its five largest buys of IT goods in 2024. During the same period, its five largest purchases of IT services totaled just under $23 million.
“This project is a testament to California’s culture of innovation where government, private industry and community organizations come together to solve complex problems,” says Amy Tong, secretary of the California Government Operations Agency.
The department received funding this year for an enterprise data governance system, and a source told those interested to check after the new year for a possible solicitation.
Public officials and private stakeholders gathered in Natomas last week to celebrate the start of a more than 250-mile stretch of fiber-optic cable that will run from San Jose to Carson City, Nev.
The recruitments are being conducted by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the Employment Development Department and the California Department of Transportation.
The RFP from the California Department of Transportation is worth an estimated $6.3 million and will see camera system improvements at various locations across Los Angeles County.
The total was significantly less than the $68.9 million that the California Department of Transportation spent on its 10 largest buys in Fiscal Year 2022-23.
“The incumbent is primarily responsible for developing, planning, organizing, and managing the functions of the subordinate groups,” the job posting says.
The five largest purchases between Jan. 1 and March 31 included subscription renewals for spreadsheet software and GIS services, as well as cabling and other items.
The recruitments are being done by the Office of Technology and Solutions Integration and the California departments of Education and Transportation.
“So now, we at CDT will have to go through the process of deciding, well, given the funding that we currently have, how will we best proceed?” said Mark Monroe, deputy director of California’s Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative.
Deloitte Consulting, INRIX Inc. and Accenture will be paid $1 each to develop and test potential AI tools in a secure environment during a six-month pilot program with the California Department of Transportation.
The leadership and specialty positions are among recruitments by the Employment Development Department and the California Department of Transportation.
Five vendors have been tapped to explore possible use cases for generative AI across several agencies and priority areas.
Thousands of miles worth of middle-mile broadband network infrastructure are on track — and even ahead of schedule — the California Department of Technology reports.
Some of California’s most influential IT leaders — all women, it’s worth noting — shared their takes on what the public and private sectors can do to further diversify the technology workforce.
The California Department of Transportation has spelled out five “challenge” areas, plus a “wild card” category, for which it seeks proposals and solutions from tech vendors.
The positions are in the Employment Development Department and the California Department of Transportation.
In a recent virtual Vendor Day, the California Department of Transportation laid out five “challenge” areas, plus a “wild card” category, for which it seeks proposals and solutions from tech vendors.
The online event on March 5 will pose five areas in which the California Department of Transportation is seeking vendors’ ideas, suggestions and proposals.
“Aligning with the governor’s multi-year cybersecurity roadmap, FI$Cal’s Cal-Secure initiative incorporates people, process and technology to employ cutting-edge solutions that will strengthen the department’s cybersecurity defenses,” writes FI$Cal Director Jennifer Maguire.
“If we don’t fix this, none of our plans, regardless of how good they are, will come to pass because consumers won’t accept EVs without a reliable EV infrastructure,” said Frank Menchaca, president of sustainable mobility solutions at the Society of Automotive Engineers.
The California Department of Transportation, the California Public Utilities Commission and the California Department of General Services are seeking to fill key roles in information security and project management.
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposed state budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year would fund several technology initiatives and deliver an overall increase to the California Department of Transportation.
The California departments of Technology and Transportation have called for responses from vendors to a pre-solicitation for a data governance solution. An actual procurement, if one comes, isn’t expected until late summer.
Three state departments are collaborating on the release of two opportunities for vendors, which seek ideas in applying generative artificial intelligence to solve challenges in the transportation network.
The exact timing isn’t set, but the California Department of General Services expects to release five Request for Innovative Ideas (RFI2) opportunities this month that would focus on needs at three state entities.
Chock-a-block with procurements, IT executives joining and leaving state and local government, and everyone greatly abuzz about artificial intelligence, 2023 was a year to remember in California gov tech. These were its most significant issues.
Several state entities are already underway on technology modernizations and cybersecurity hardening and may seek additional funding during the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget cycle, which begins next month.
California has a long way to go before state workers are driving all-electric cars and trucks.
The state Department of Transportation, the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Orange County Transportation Authority are among the state and local entities in the early stages of technology projects.
Using a Request for Innovative Ideas, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s tech-focused strategy, the California Department of Technology challenges innovators and entrepreneurs to suggest potential solutions for the state’s high-speed Internet network.
As part of Industry Insider — California’s ongoing efforts to educate readers on state agencies, their IT plans and initiatives, here’s the latest in our periodic series of interviews with departmental IT leaders.
Candidates are being sought by the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, the California Department of Transportation and the Employment Development Department.
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s March 2022 executive order precludes the state from doing business with Russian companies or entities sanctioned by the U.S. government over the war in Ukraine.
The California Department of Transportation made more than 100 purchases of IT goods in September. Its five costliest included mobile radios, servers and subscription renewals.
Candidates for chief and manager positions are being sought by state entities that focus on health care, transportation and technology.
The annual awards, bestowed Tuesday at the California Government Innovation Summit in Sacramento, recognize projects and technologies devised and implemented within state government in the past year.
The five largest purchases were for flash storage, laptop/notebook computers, batteries and power supplies.
Continuing its quest to improve high-speed Internet statewide, the California Department of Transportation has issued a request for qualifications calling on companies to assist it in aspects of broadband telecommunications design and development.
Government entities in the early stages of technology projects include the California Department of Transportation, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Members of the Middle-Mile Advisory Committee learned recently that state efforts to increase the availability of high-speed Internet have received additional federal funding, and construction should get underway this year in several counties.
The California Department of Transportation has called for statements of qualification from companies for roadway and broadband telecommunications construction.
The California Department of Transportation is seeking a senior application lead, and the Employment Development Department is seeking a lead data architect.
A budget change proposal from the California Department of Transportation would pay for 11 positions and fund the third year of the department’s Transportation System Network Replacement.
The California Department of Technology published this article last week on its Tech Blog, recapping an update that the California Department of Transportation gave the Middle-Mile Advisory Committee about the Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative.
“It may seem simple, but the collaboration effort and sharing of imagery services is huge,” writes senior IT analyst Ben Palacio. “This will reduce the number of duplicate efforts being made by various counties statewide.”
Departments seeking expertise include the California Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Transportation, the State Controller’s Office and the Department of Technology.
Those with active recruitments include the California Department of Transportation, the Department of Housing and Community Development, the Franchise Tax Board and the California Department of Food and Agriculture.
Starting this summer, real-time information for northbound and southbound border crossings will be publicly available through a free app — part of a pilot that’s a collaboration between the San Diego Association of Governments and the California Department of Transportation.
The California Department of Transportation and the Department of Health Care Services are accepting applications for key leadership roles.
“Planned enhancements include electronic fund transfer, a vendor portal, bond accounting and other enhancements to process common transactions,” Director Jennifer Maguire writes.
In a new request for qualifications, the California Department of Transportation is looking for construction manager/general contractor services for middle-mile broadband design and construction across nine counties.
The California Department of Transportation wrapped several key IT projects in 2022 and is underway on other crucial tech initiatives.
In a breakout panel on “Women Leading IT Transformation” during the recent California Public Sector CIO Academy, a panel of women leaders spoke on “leading with purpose, transforming people’s attitudes, aligning to business outcomes, and delivering results.”
The “joint-build” agreement is the first of its kind in the state and enables partners to utilize streamlined permitting. Lower construction costs are another likely benefit.
The positions are in the California Department of Education, the California State Lottery and the California Department of Transportation.
The work will cover parts of nine Northern California counties and is aimed at providing high-speed Internet to residents statewide.
Among the leadership changes in state IT governance at the end of the year was the retirement of George Akiyama, the longtime chief information officer for the California Department of Transportation.
The state is in pre-request for proposal stages on middle-mile broadband network improvements across an 11-county area of Northern California.
The open positions are in the departments of Aging, Conservation and Transportation and in the Office of the Secretary of State.
The positions are in the California Department of Transportation, the Department of Finance and the Employment Development Department.
The state department wants to hear from companies capable of assisting it in building out inland portions of California’s middle-mile broadband network.
As part of Industry Insider — California’s ongoing efforts to educate readers on state agencies, their IT plans and initiatives, here’s the latest in our periodic series of interviews with departmental IT leaders.
The upcoming virtual sessions will center on contract opportunities for the Middle-Mile Broadband Network.
The California Department of Transportation spent just under $38 million in the third quarter on IT goods.
The department issued the latest in its series of updates on California’s progress toward building a statewide broadband network, which includes details on the administration of federal funding.
State and local government officials commemorated a pivotal moment in California’s multibillion-dollar quest to improve access to high-speed Internet.
The state of California has been recognized for its technology work by the biennial 2022 Digital States Survey from the Center for Digital Government.
The state department is calling for responses from firms that can help it on a sizeable build in two inland counties.
Available positions include data services and platform lead, IT administrator, principal data architect and senior data warehouse specialist.
This is the last week for Gov. Gavin Newsom to approve or veto bills sent to his desk by lawmakers, and several recently signed new laws have relevance to IT vendors and government.
The details can be found in the latest edition of the California Department of Technology’s CDT Connect newsletter.
$56 million is available to install charging stations throughout the state as a result of federal approval of the California Deployment Plan for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program.
The state department is calling for responses from firms that can assist it with a large build across several local governments.
One department in state government spent a little over $4.3 million in the first half of the year on its five largest buys of IT goods.
Among the positions in recruitment are chief information security officer, cybersecurity specialist and senior IT project manager.
Departments with recruitments include the California Student Aid Commission, the California Department of Transportation and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.
It’s not an exact recounting of when and where the state’s monies will be spent, but the new bill is among several that show how and where California’s transportation spend may intersect with technology and innovation this fiscal year.
Recruitments include unit and section chiefs, principal enterprise architect and solutions development manager.
Six graduate students from Sacramento and Northern California were selected in a competition judged by senior technology executives from state government.
Entities with key vacancies include those dealing with transportation, cannabis regulation, health insurance and state hospitals.
This month, we polled our members about whether you preferred in-person events or virtual presentations. And you’ve spoken.
“My role is as a senior account manager, which includes growing the business and ensuring excellent delivery for the multiple projects we have now, primarily in the public sector,” the technology veteran told Industry Insider — California.
A large transportation entity in state government is taking a significant step toward improving high-speed Internet in Southern California.
Open positions include an office chief, project director, senior programmer analyst, IT program manager and information systems analyst.
Candidates are sought for the positions of division chief, information security manager and chief enterprise technical architect.
Other departments with leadership recruitments include the Financial Information System for California and the California Department of Transportation.
A handful of technology leaders in state government advise those seeking top leadership roles to build relationships, hire smart people, and take advantage of unexpected opportunities.
The California Department of Technology has awarded contracts to two vendors that are expected to enable the state to have materials at the ready when work commences on 3,000 miles of broadband infrastructure, to provide statewide high-speed Internet.
If the project gains approval from the state, Fountain Valley stands to earn more than $30 million over 30 years in guaranteed revenue, including a one-time payment of $750,000.
“The incumbent oversees one of the most complex infrastructures in the state and has full management responsibility for policies, standards, processes, procedures for the analysis, design, implementation, maintenance and operation” of Caltrans’ IT infrastructure, the job posting says.
The California Department of Technology has released a draft statewide broadband map and design recommendations from its third-party administrator, for building out the so-called “middle-mile” network.
The Department of Child Support Services and the California Department of Transportation are seeking candidates with leadership skills and tech experience.
Departments with significant vacancies include the Department of Health Care Services, the Department of Public Health, the Department of Transportation, and the Secretary of State’s Office.
The chief engineer will oversee the stakeholders performing project management, engineering, design, system planning, specification, diagramming, mapping, and construction of the network, according to the job posting by the California Department of Technology.
As part of Techwire’s ongoing efforts to educate readers on state agencies, their IT plans and initiatives, here’s the latest in our periodic series of interviews with departmental IT leaders.
Work is proceeding on several fronts to fully plan and sequence projects and ensure supplies are ready, officials said during the monthly meeting of the Middle-Mile Advisory Committee.
“We are building the middle-mile network based on data and opportunities to improve connectivity that will result in reliable and more affordable service in all regions of the state, including hard-to-reach rural and tribal communities and lower-income urban areas,” write the state’s broadband leaders.
It’s far from a final approved act, but Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposed 2022-2023 Fiscal Year state budget would spend millions to continue existing technology initiatives and begin new projects.
The entities are seeking an enterprise architect, an IT manager, a chief of operations and a senior network security engineer.
The agencies overseeing health-care delivery and transportation are seeking to fill leadership roles. One of the vacancies is classified as a Career Executive Assignment; the other is an IT manager I role.
The future of remote state work is taking shape as departments hammer out permanent policies and Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration negotiates with unions. But how much will workers be monitored at home?
The state has announced 18 broadband projects across California aimed at activating an “open-access middle-mile network” – and reflecting billions in federal funding.
Key responsibilities of the position include policy development and implementation, internal program management, IT governance, executive interaction and external program management, according to the job posting and duty statement.
Among the IT positions in recruitment by state departments are a chief, a cybersecurity architect, a network architect and a chief information officer.
“DMV is looking for a new CIO,” DMV Director Steve Gordon announced Monday on LinkedIn. “Join us in transforming the DMV into a digital powerhouse. Make a difference for California!”
State lawmakers and Gov. Gavin Newsom didn’t just focus on broadband and cybersecurity this session. The governor recently signed several other bills of interest to the technology sector that run the gamut from wildfire tech to personal information.
The entity selected has a long history of working with state and local government to improve Internet access. Here, it will focus on “developing the fiber network, creating rural exchange points, and collaborating with the California Public Utilities Commission and Caltrans” on, generally, middle-mile broadband.
The California Department of General Services has issued a request for proposal to make it easier for transit providers in the state to acquire the needed hardware and software to support contactless payment systems.
A traffic signal upgrade project will involve 26 intersections around the University of California, San Diego. The project will use adaptive software to enhance mobility across the region.
“I’m getting ready to write at least a mid-five-figure check,” said board CIO Bill Glaholt. “I said, ‘Hold on. You’re telling me that for less than $1,000, I’m going to be able to ... build the thing that I want to, using your tool?’ Sign me up!”
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