“The CTIO will be responsible for communicating and implementing responsible statewide technology strategies, methodologies and solutions with over 125 departments, agencies, boards, commissions and councils, as well as local government and higher education,” the job posting says. “The CTIO will also directly manage engagements that support the Governor's Office initiatives, maintain and foster relationships, and partner with entities reporting directly to the governor and community, academic, industry, government, and international stakeholders.”
The CTIO will establish leadership and strategic direction in alignment with the state’s Digital Strategy and State Technology Plan, including emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, development of digital services, California digital ID pilots and potential future programs. Other areas of oversight include civic engagement with state digital services, open source technology (code.ca.gov), the California Open Data Program, the Statewide Web Development, and Application Design Library, as well as data and geospatial services, technology innovation services, enterprise technology solutions and state web management.
Desirable qualifications for the role include extensive knowledge of:
- Organization and functions of government technology, including the organization and practices of legislative and executive branches
- Principles, practices and trends of public administration, organization and management, and techniques of organizing and motivating groups
- Program development and evaluation, methods of problem-solving, and principles and practices of policy formulation and development
- Personnel management techniques