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CDT Spent $97M on IT Goods in FY 2023-24, Mostly on Software, Support, Fees

A state IT data dashboard shows that the California Department of Technology’s spend last year on those items was $67 million; in the current fiscal year to date the total is $6.2 million.

A stack of coins on a blue surface with a stack of coins resting on top. Blurred dark blue background.
The California Department of Technology spent more than $97 million on IT goods in fiscal year 2023-24, with the majority of that sum going to computer services.

According to the Department of General ServicesStatewide Procurement Data Dashboards, the largest category of spending was for software maintenance and support and related fees: CDT spent $67 million, or 68.7 percent, on IT goods in that category.

The five vendors who contracted with CDT for the most spending in that category, as well as the amounts they received (with rounding) and their share of the total in FY 2023-24, were:
  • Crayon Software Experts LLC, $14.9 million (22.3 percent)
  • Saga Software Inc., $13.7 million (20.5 percent)
  • Allied Network Solutions Inc., $3.5 million (5.3 percent)
  • NWN Solutions Corp., $2.6 million (3.9 percent)
  • SAS Institute Inc., $2.1 million (3.1 percent)
In all, dozens of companies sold tech services to CDT in this category, with the smallest expenditure being for $139 with Amazon Web Services Inc.

To date in the current fiscal year, 2024-25, which began July 1, CDT has spent $6.2 million on IT goods. Almost half the spending in the corresponding category totaled $3 million, or 47.9 percent.
Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.