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Chief Technology Officer, GIS Data Architect Positions in Recruitment

The California Highway Patrol is seeking a CTO, and the California Department of Technology is recruiting for a GISD data engineering architect.

Two departments in state government are recruiting for key technology roles.

The California Highway Patrol is seeking a chief technology officer (IT Manager II) to work with the chief information officer and the commander of the Information Technology Section (ITS) to execute IT strategic plans and road maps to support the department’s business needs. The CTO has full management responsibility for the Customer Services Group and Network Security Group, comprising more than 80 staff members, who support a large, highly complex IT organization.

Applicants must submit a Statement of Qualifications along with their other information, according to the job posting. The statement should address these questions:
  • Describe your experience managing a team of IT professionals, including coaching, mentoring, counseling, and leadership style.
  • Describe your knowledge and experience at the managerial level with IT operations of statewide emergency services involving large-scale complex production and development environments.
  • Describe your knowledge and experience of IT operating and personnel budgets by showing how it relates to the development of spending plans, tracking of contractual term dates, and the creation of funding documents.
  • Describe your project management experience. Include information that demonstrates your ability to manage multiple large data centers and/or infrastructure projects and implement successful technology resource management practices.
  • Describe your experience developing and implementing innovative IT solutions for various business needs. Include specific examples of your experience.

More information about the position can be found in the duty statement. The role has a monthly salary range of $10,734 to $13,048, and the application deadline is April 21.

The California Department of Technology (CDT) is seeking a GIS data engineering architect (IT Specialist III) to serve as the lead consultant responsible for working with cross-functional teams and business programs to analyze their spatial business problems and lead the design and development of data warehouse reporting systems.

According to the job posting, the architect “also provides data insights and recommendations on potential solutions involving complex technology, a subsystem of business applications or work on integration projects, and typically requires an unusual depth of understanding in a singular technology or a good understanding of multiple technologies.” Additionally, the architect leads and facilitates various communities of practice that enable the state’s greater technology community and business programs to share knowledge and best practices, ask questions of their colleagues, and directly engage on high-priority topics.

Desirable qualifications include:
  • Expert knowledge/experience with data engineering principles and either Esri technology stack or open-source spatial software.
  • Expert-level experience or education in one or more of the following technologies: ArcGIS Online, ArcSDE, ArcGIS Enterprise, Mapserver, Geoserver, PostGIS, Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, Microsoft MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, other SQL based RDBMs, NoSQL, Hadoop, ETL / ELT, Data Lakes, Data Warehouses and Enterprise Metadata Management Systems.
  • In-depth hands-on experience with Azure Data Factory, Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps, Amazon Glue, Amazon Lamba, S3, Azure Blob, FME, 5TRAN and Matillion.
  • Expert knowledge and experience with data warehouse concept and architectures, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) technologies, Star-schema, Snowflake schema and aggregation, etc.

More details about the position can be found in the duty statement. The role has a monthly salary range of $8,961 to $12,009, and the application deadline is April 22.
Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.