County CIOs, Vendors to Gather for CCISDA

A couple of dozen CIOs and a host of vendors will mix it up for a few days beginning Sunday at “Waves of Change,” the fall conference of the California County Information Services Directors Association (CCISDA).

A couple of dozen CIOs and a host of vendors will mix it up for a few days beginning Sunday at “Waves of Change,” the fall conference of the California County Information Services Directors Association (CCISDA).

The CIOs and other county tech leaders — GISOs, ISOs, network managers — will gather in Monterey from Sunday through Wednesday, and Techwire will be there as part of the program and to provide coverage.

Joseph Morris, e.Republic’s vice president of research, is among the presenters, discussing the results of the 2017 Digital Counties Survey and share best practices across the industry.

Janet Grenslitt, e.Republic’s director of survey and awards programs, will offer strategies on how counties can best position themselves for winning recognition in the Digital Counties Survey.

The conference offers county CIOs a chance to mingle with representatives of vendors, many of whom will have information booths. In addition, a variety of breakout sessions are planned, with many being led by the CIOs. Topics will include ways in which counties can best utilize new technology in such areas as property taxes, criminal justice, GIS and ERP.

CCISDA’s website says: “CCISDA conferences promote not only collaboration among peers and educational opportunities through sessions, keynote speakers and roundtables, but also offer vendors the opportunity to participate in their vendor program. Exhibit space is awarded by lottery which is held 3-4 months prior to the conference, followed by the sale of sponsorship items on a first-come, first-served basis.”

Registration for the fall conference has closed. CCISDA has already begun planning its spring 2018 conference.