CWDS Solutions Demo Marks Updates to Agile Development

The Child Welfare Digital Services department held its monthly solutions demonstration for stakeholders Monday to update interested parties on the progress of several program modules being developed across the agile-style project.

The Child Welfare Digital Services department held its monthly solutions demonstration for stakeholders Monday to update interested parties on the progress of several program modules being developed across the agile-style project.

The CWDS has been working with several vendors to create an interoperable system.

The demonstration included an example of how each social worker will have the ability to file reports across multiple platforms, including with public safety and police departments. The forms can then be copied and placed in several files or applied to other forms.

Jeff Dent, product owner of the digital service team, walked through how to fill out a form for a screening, demonstrating how the updates work.

The forms will include improvements such as disallowing future dates with an error message and allowing error messages to direct employees when information is invalid, minimizing filing errors.

Scrum master Greg Hill discussed the snapshot release and a contacts API that are coming soon.

Other updates this month include:

  • Privacy statements
  • Business rules to manage data
  • Field matching across all platforms
  • List of values
  • Visible role titles for each individual mentioned in a file
  • Cross-reporting capabilities
  • Referential integrity checks to test data values
Kayla Nick-Kearney was a staff writer for Techwire from March 2017 through January 2019.