The Sierra Nevada Conservancy is recruiting for a deputy executive officer for administration (Career Executive Assignment) to be responsible for developing, managing and providing direction and oversight for key department-wide services including Budgets, Accounting, Contracts, Procurement, IT, Business Services, Human Resources, and Legal.
The Conservancy is a state agency established through bipartisan legislation “to initiate, encourage and support efforts that improve the environmental, economic and social well-being of the Sierra Nevada region, its communities and the people of California.”
The deputy executive officer for administration (DEOA) is a key member of the Executive Team, advising the Governing Board, executive officer, chief deputy executive officer and other staff on administrative matters and exercising substantial independence and participation in the formulation, operation and evaluation of broad program policy, according to the job posting and duty statement. The position, based in Auburn, requires flexible work hours and frequent travel throughout the Sierra Nevada region.
The portion of the job dealing with IT includes the following functions:
- Ensures information assets and associated technology, applications, systems, infrastructure and processes are adequately protected.
- Provides extensive risk and information security oversight, reporting, governance, communications, education and consulting.
- Oversees the systems and services of the Business Technology Management, Software Engineering, System Engineering, Information Security Engineering, and IT Project Management domains.
The role has a monthly salary of $11,102 to $13,226, and the application deadline is Oct. 24.
The California Department of Technology (CDT) is seeking a technology manager (IT manager I) to handle assignments that “require an advanced level of organizational understanding and support of innovative technical pursuits,” the job posting says. “Decisions regarding the work to be done include largely undefined issues and elements. The work requires extensive probing and analysis to determine the nature and scope of the problems and continuing efforts to establish concepts, theories, or programs; or to resolve problems generally without established guidance.”
In addition, according to the posting and the duty statement, the incumbent “manages and directs the staff in CICS Support that is responsible for the installation, configuration, maintenance, and problem resolution of the CICS online regions on CDT’s zSystems platform for state and public entity customers, as well as application and communication software.”
Desirable qualifications include:
- Good technical writing skills and good verbal communication skills.
- CICS and installation and configuration of the software.
- zSystem concepts, components and processing techniques.
- PC software tools such as MS Access, Excel, Word, HTML, etc.
- Innovative, forward-thinking individual with knowledge of the department’s quality culture, core values, vision and mission.
- Knowledge of IT project management practices and techniques.
- Development of project plans, tasks and schedules.
The role has a monthly salary range of $8,591 to $11,512, and the application deadline is Oct. 16.
The California Secretary of State’s Office is recruiting for a software engineering section chief (IT manager I) to be responsible for “planning, organizing and directing the ongoing operational activities of three autonomous teams consisting of cloud and solution engineers and application developers,” according to the job posting. “These teams are responsible for providing technical support to the various programs … that includes Elections, Business Entities, Notary Public, and the State Archives. The ITM I interacts closely with ITD personnel from Software Engineering Section 1, System Engineering, the Office of Risk Management, the Project Management Office, product vendors, service providers and the California Department of Technology (CDT).”
Desirable qualifications include:
- Bachelor’s degree in computer science or equivalent; and/or two years’ IT experience as a technical lead or supervisor working with diverse teams.
- Knowledge and experience in project management, the software development life cycle, and either agile or waterfall methodologies.
- Advanced leadership skills and experience in staff development and career development opportunities.
- Strong analytical and communication skills with the ability to convey highly technical information in an understandable manner.
- Knowledge or experience in cloud technologies, state contracting, procurement and the budget process.
More information is available in the duty statement. The role has a monthly salary range of $8,591 to $11,512, and the application deadline is Oct. 19.
The Office of Systems Integration is recruiting for an application and service delivery manager (IT manager I) to work on the Case Management, Information and Payrolling System (CMIPS) project, which meets the needs of the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program.
“The service delivery manager will, directly or through subordinate managers, supervise all Application and Service Delivery Section employees,” the job posting says. Other key responsibilities include:
- Manage and oversee the continuous development of the CMIPS application, which entails identifying and promoting best practices/methodologies for agile, waterfall and hybrid.
- Coordinate and oversee system development work performed by multiple organizations for the maintenance of the CMIPS application to include the prime vendor who is responsible for the Case Management and Reporting software components; the prime vendor who is responsible for the Payroll software component; the California Department of Technology liaison who is responsible for on-premise infrastructure; cloud providers; interface partners; and contractors providing support services.
- Ensure system documentation and configuration management are completed and accurate. Work to minimize defects in IT products while delivering quality solutions and services. Assist the Operations Team with the review and implementation of CMIPS security plans and procedures related to application maintenance.
- Provide high-level technical expertise in the review of the contractor’s work products and deliverables. Assign product reviews to appropriate staff and verify the quality and timely completion of staff work in meeting the CMIPS project’s critical deadlines and timelines. Ensure contract invoices associated with application maintenance services are accurate.
More details are available in the duty statement. The position has a monthly salary range of $8,591 to $11,512, and the application deadline is Oct. 20.