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Graphic: How Many IT Staff Does the State Employ?

As a regulatory entity, the California Department of Technology is always looking for new ways to recruit and train talent. State CIO Amy Tong has said the competition for IT staff between the public and private sectors bodes well for the level of talent.

California has more than 277,000 state employees, almost 11,500 of whom work in the IT field. While the California Department of Technology (CDT) has more than 700 IT employees, the state Franchise Tax Board has the most, with more than 1,000.

As a regulatory entity, CDT is always looking for new ways to recruit and train talent. State CIO Amy Tong has said the competition for IT staff between the public and private sectors bodes well for the level of talent.

Below are statistics on the top 10 IT employers in state government. The numbers were compiled by CalHR and provided to Techwire by CDT. 




Kayla Nick-Kearney was a staff writer for Techwire from March 2017 through January 2019.