IT Procurements, Spending are Growing in California

Procurements across California state and local government departments have almost doubled since 2013.

The number of contracts awarded across California state and local government departments has almost doubled since 2013. 

In 2017, about $7.44 billion was spent on IT goods, services and telecom purchases according to the State Contract and Procurement Registration System. Of that amount, $443 million was for IT goods, $3.1 billion was for IT services, and $3.9 billion was spent on telecom.

Some of the top spenders were the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Office of Systems Integration and the Department of Health Care Services.

Since Jan. 1, 2018, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the Employment Development Department and the Department of Public Health are the leading spenders. So far this calendar year, almost $120 million has been spent; just over $80 million was spent in the same time frame last year.