Long-Running CIO to Leave State Service

He spent his years with the state overseeing the development of new applications on the Oracle platform and a migration from the legacy system to Sun Solaris Servers.

After almost a year as CIO of the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, Nabil Fares is leaving state service.

Before his time at CDTFA, Fares worked as CIO for the city of Stockton for three years. He was the first IT director and CIO for the city.

For about seven years, Fares worked as CIO for the California Department of Public Health, overseeing seven branches including the legacy systems and Web-enabled apps.

Fares spent almost eight years at the state Department of Justice, where he was the chief of Criminal Justice IT Enterprise Development. He spent that time overseeing the development of new applications on the Oracle platform and a migration from the legacy system to Sun Solaris Servers.

Fares confirmed to Techwire that he is leaving state service but did not say what his next endeavor would be. Techwire will follow up. 

Kayla Nick-Kearney was a staff writer for Techwire from March 2017 through January 2019.