New Member Company: F5 Networks

Techwire is pleased to welcome F5 Networks to the Techwire family. F5 Networks specializes in delivering and protecting applications — revenue-generating, brand-anchoring applications — from the point at which they are created through the point when consumers interact with them. “When you combine F5 & NGINX’s expertise in powering over half of the world’s applications across all types of environments, with Shape’s insight from mitigating over 1 billion application attacks per day, you have a company that knows how to deliver and secure more applications, and more value, than any company in the industry,” the company says. “This makes the combined forces of F5, NGINX, and Shape absolutely essential to every digital organization in the world, including the world’s largest enterprises, service providers, financial and educational institutions, government entities, and consumer brands.” For more information, visit F5 Networks or contact Marcus Charles via email.