Reminder: Techwire Members Budget Briefing Is Thursday

The virtual briefing will be presented by Alan Cox, executive vice president of e.Republic and publisher of Techwire; and Joe Morris, e.Republic’s deputy chief innovation officer.

The state budget and its implications for technology will be the focus of a Members Briefing on Thursday by two e.Republic executives who’ve been following the issue closely.

The virtual briefing will be presented by Alan Cox, executive vice president of e.Republic and publisher of Techwire; and Joe Morris, e.Republic’s deputy chief innovation officer. It begins at 11 a.m. and is open to Techwire members. The event was originally scheduled for July 13 but was rescheduled because the budget had not yet been finalized by then.

Registration and more details are available online. Those who registered for the July 13 date need not re-register.