State Recruiting for IT Positions in DMV, CDT

One is for a supervising project manager, and the other is for an enterprise architect. The job descriptions for both include the word "complex." Application deadlines are this week and next.

The state is recruiting to fill two key positions — one for a supervising IT project manager for the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), and other for a zSystems enterprise architect for the California Department of Technology (CDT).

The DMV position, open to those with an IT Supervisor II job classification, would serve as a first-level supervisor for a Project Management Group. That would include leading, guiding and training team members, ensuring that the team follows the California Project Management Framework (CA-PMF) and DMV project management guidelines.

Working with CDT representatives as required, the supervising project manager will lead business and technical teams to deliver “DMV’s larger, most complex IT projects with statewide impact,” according to the job posting. Additional prerequisites and application details are also spelled out there.

The position has a monthly salary range of $6,683 to $8,955, and the application deadline is Friday.

The open CDT position, for a zSystems architect, is open to those with a job classification of IT Specialist III. The enterprise architect will work with others to ensure that CDT “develops cost effective solutions to meet customers’ business requirements and align solutions with CDT service offerings. They will also participate in the modernization of the statewide zSystems, which hosts the most critical and most complex projects.

The position has a monthly salary range of $7,471 to $10,012, and the application deadline is April 12. More information and application details can be found online.