Techwire's July Newsletter Spotlights California Cyberdefense Center

The upcoming issue of Techwire’s monthly newsletter leads with a close look at the California Cybersecurity Integration Center. Created by Gov. Jerry Brown in a 2015 executive order, the center is designed to provide a coordinated state approach to cybersecurity and ensure that top law enforcement and technology officials share critical — often classified — information about potential threats to state agencies, local and tribal governments, federal officials, private companies, utilities a

As recent events in the news make clear, cybersecurity is growing into a global threat — not only to individuals and businesses, but to governments, as well.

And California, Ground Zero for the tech industry, is reacting in typical Golden State fashion: by trying to get in front of the issue, seeking to lead through a combination of legislation, education, prevention and enforcement.

The upcoming issue of Techwire’s monthly newsletter leads with a close look at the California Cybersecurity Integration Center. Created by Gov. Jerry Brown in a 2015 executive order, the center is designed to provide a coordinated state approach to cybersecurity and ensure that top law enforcement and technology officials share critical — often classified — information about potential threats to state agencies, local and tribal governments, federal officials, private companies, utilities and academic institutions across the state.

The cyberteam works alongside analysts at the State Threat Assessment Center, California’s critical intelligence clearinghouse created after the 9/11 terror attacks to alert policymakers and public safety officials about threats to the state, including terrorism, narcotics and human trafficking, criminal, gang activity, extremist movements and threats to the state’s infrastructure.

Look for the Techwire newsletter in your inbox next week.