What Is Government’s Biggest Hurdle in Migrating to Cloud?

A survey of California public-sector technologists last week revealed the answer to that question — and more.

System interdependencies are the biggest hurdle facing California government technologists as they seek to migrate their services to the cloud.

That was a key finding in a survey of public-sector attendees at the Bay Area Digital Government Summit, presented last week in Foster City for the public sector by Government Technology magazine, Industry Insider California’s sister publication.

“What is your biggest impediment to the adoption of cloud services?” was the first question posed to attendees. Responses broke down this way:
  1. System interdependencies make migration difficult
  2. Concerns about safety
  3. Existing contracts are not easy to work with
  4. We have to modernize before we migrate
  5. Lack of budget
  6. Cost of migration and hosting
  7. Time

“System interdependence” generally refers to functions such as requirements management, change management, release planning, reuse of components, reuse of requirements, implementation, testing and maintenance.

The second question on which attendees weighed in was “Which tech buzzword could you live without?” The responses:
  1. Metaverse
  2. NFTs (Non-fungible tokens)
  3. RIO (Return on investment)
  4. Blockchain
  5. Hyper-?? (insert word of choice)
  6. RPA (Robotic process automation)

Government Technology is hosting the California Digital Government Summit for public-sector technologists in September and the Los Angeles Digital Government Summit in October. Also open to the public sector and to sponsors will be the California Cybersecurity Education Summit in October.
Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.