- $249,583 for Peplink MAX-BR1-5GH-T-PRM MAX BR1 5G routers, purchased through a competitive small-business award on March 2 through Ablegov Inc.
- $248,571 for Skydio X2E Starter Kit drones with video capabilities. The devices were purchased on Feb. 3 through McMaverick in a competitive bid through the state’s Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise contract vehicle.
- $236,672 for forest-fuel moisture sensors, purchased through Technical and Business Systems Inc. on Feb. 25 under a competitive small-business contract.
- $225,002 for iPads (9th Generation) with Wi-Fi + Cellular 64GB, purchased Feb. 8 through Natix Inc.under a statewide contract.
- $115,113 for Dell EMC ME412 Storage Expansion Enclosures, purchased Jan. 5 through PC Specialists under a statewide contract.