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California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Those five buys include surveillance equipment, fleet management services, web security and drones.
The app allows California residents and nonresidents to electronically display fishing licenses and sportfishing validations instead of a physical license. Users can also download and read the state wildlife agency’s published regulation booklets and access its websites.
The Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the city-county of San Francisco are among the state and local entities in the early stages of technology projects.
The department’s five largest purchases of IT goods included desktop and notebook computers and related hardware, weather station and enclosure equipment and other goods.
Candidates are sought for positions including chief, analyst, information security specialist, IT procurement specialist and manager.
In a request for information, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife wants to learn more about “commercial, off-the-shelf observation database” systems.
In the last quarter of 2022, this state agency spent $3,167,929 on its five largest purchases of IT goods.
In its five largest purchases of IT goods in the first three months of 2022, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife spent just more than $1 million on a variety of products related to its environmental mission.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is seeking an executive to oversee the Data and Technology Division and to advise top executives on IT policy and implementation.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has issued a Request for Information from vendors on body-worn and in-vehicle cameras and a “cloud-based evidence solution.”
The department also renewed its subscription to a software platform that allows for collection and coordination of data, photos and other content related to construction projects and other field work.
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