How Public Sector Entities Can Modernize Their Network Segmentation Strategy to Reduce Risk, Cost, and Overhead

Cyber threats targeting the public sector are not just evolving; they are becoming more insidious, exploiting the lack of lateral (east-to-west) segmentation within networks to conduct widespread, destructive breaches. It is estimated that government organizations have lost $860.3 million to ransomware attacks from 2018 to 2023.

During this webinar, our speakers will dive into the following topics:

Why Segmentation is Critical in Today’s Threat Landscape: Traditional security perimeters are necessary, not sufficient

Network Segmentation Methods: Overview of hardware-based vs software-based segmentation methods

Uses Cases for Micro-Segmentation: Layer 7, process level segmentation has many applications: 1. Zero Trust, 2. Compliance, and 3. Ransomware

The Business Outcomes of Software-Based Segmentation: Reduce risk, cost and overhead

How to Prevent and Mitigate Ransomware: Witness firsthand how software-based micro-segmentation can be leveraged to prevent and mitigate ransomware attacks

By focusing on disrupting the lateral movement of cyber-attacks, public sector organizations can significantly elevate their cybersecurity posture.

Seize this opportunity to learn about software-based micro-segmentation.
Akamai has deployed the most pervasive, highly distributed cloud optimization platform, delivering over 2 trillion Internet interactions daily and creating a powerful layer of defense to withstand today's attacks.