The Six Pillars of Effective Security Operations

In our extensive work with security teams around the world, we’ve seen the best and the worst security operations (SecOps) practices. Despite a wide range of cybersecurity strategies and investment levels, we’ve found that most enterprise security programs have lots of room for improvement to better prevent, identify, investigate and mitigate threats with speed and confidence. Even mature Security Operations Centers (SOCs) commonly struggle with alert fatigue, staffing turnover, and complicated manual processes, all of which take away valuable time that they could be spending on investigations and process optimization.

The first measure to make meaningful improvement is to take a step back and do an honest evaluation of how your security operations are structured and how they’re serving your business goals.

To help with this evaluation, we’ve condensed the considerations that go into building efficient and scalable security operations into six fundamental pillars. Each of these pillars contain a number of building blocks that we describe in-depth in our book, “Elements of Security Operations.” By evaluating your security operations against each of these pillars and their building blocks, you can assess your capability gaps and evolve your security operations to provide better and faster prevention and remediation. 

Palo Alto Networks is the next-generation security company, leading a new era in cybersecurity by safely enabling applications and preventing cyber breaches for government agencies and educational institutions worldwide.