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California Cybersecurity Integration Center

Going forward, the state will be seeking to engage more with vendors and find partners to improve compliance and cyber hygiene across its massive, complicated enterprise.
Gov. Gavin Newsom has announced the appointment of Edward Bómbita as commander of the state’s Cybersecurity Integration Center within the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.
As public-sector technologists contemplate how best to use generative artificial intelligence and confront an estimated $68 billion state deficit, lawmakers have released several bills that would create infrastructure, plans and standards for the use of AI.
Funding for technology work in the 2023-2024 fiscal year state budget may offer clues to requests from state entities during the FY 2024-25 state budget cycle.
Approved technology funding in the state’s enacted 2023-2024 fiscal year budget may offer a preview of what we’ll see in January, when Gov. Gavin Newsom releases his proposed FY 2024-25 state budget.
With less than a week before the deadline, Gov. Gavin Newsom is signing and vetoing — but mostly signing — hundreds of proposed laws that elected state senators and Assembly members have approved and sent to his desk.
In its portion of California’s $310.8 billion state budget for FY 2023-2024, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services received the more than $150 million it sought to improve cybersecurity and 911 capabilities.
The California Highway Patrol asked for and received in the state budget funding to continue existing privacy, risk management and cybersecurity initiatives, and to roll out body-worn cameras statewide.
Returned from their summer recess, legislators have less than a month to pass or hold proposed legislation concerning the California Interagency AI Working Group, cybersecurity and data from law enforcement body-worn cameras.
Elected officials in the state Senate and Assembly will consider several pieces of cybersecurity legislation when they return from summer recess in August.
Bills still under consideration by the Legislature would bring changes to everything from cybersecurity education to government websites and email addresses.
The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, the California Highway Patrol, the California Department of Technology and the California Military Department have submitted a budget change proposal seeking millions of dollars and additional staff to guard against cyber threats and incidents.
Sandra Peterson, a veteran of several high-profile state departments, took on her new role with the California Cybersecurity Integration Center in October. She offers advice for technologists and for vendors.
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposed 2023-2024 Fiscal Year state budget would, however, fund two significant ongoing IT projects.
This is the last week for Gov. Gavin Newsom to approve or veto bills sent to his desk by lawmakers, and several recently signed new laws have relevance to IT vendors and government.
Other departments with leadership recruitments include the Financial Information System for California and the California Department of Transportation.
California’s state Chief Information Security Officer Vitaliy Panych discusses security planning, how vendors can support his team and how the COVID-19 pandemic changed worker experience and cybersecurity.
State legislators have proposed laws that could alter the process and procurement of IT projects, generate digital equity in education and highlight the importance of cybersecurity.
“I am hopeful this approach of condensing and aligning these prior efforts into Cal-Secure can succeed in maturing the state’s cybersecurity posture,” said Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin, the Ventura County Democrat who chairs the Assembly’s Select Committee on Cybersecurity.
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