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Veracode delivers the application security solutions and services today’s software-driven world requires. Veracode’s unified platform assesses and improves application security from inception through production so agencies can confidently innovate with the web and mobile applications they build, buy and assemble including the components they integrate into their environments.

Veracode: Empowering California Government to Build Secure Citizen Services

  • Veracode enables the State of California to Assess, Mitigate and Attest to Application Security Compliance in a Static and Dynamic Environment.
  • Veracode is an application security scanning tool that can be run automatically, identify critical issues if any exist, and assist developers with expert guidance to correct any security vulnerabilities.
  • Veracode will scan your applications that are developed in-house, third-party applications, or any combination of application development. We work with your Application Team and your Security Team to ensure vulnerabilities are identified and corrected.
  • Veracode can help you identify application vulnerabilities before citizens do… and most importantly before hackers do. If your Application Development Team needs help in correcting the vulnerability, we are available around the clock, 24/7, to assist in your application security coding, testing and mitigation.
  • Veracode enables your government workforce with the strongest application security training available through your Veracode subscription.
  • Veracode ensures your citizen information and data is protected throughout your citizen services with Veracode.
  • For additional information, contact Cindy Weltzin: Check out: