DGS Revising Special Terms and Conditions for Software as a Service

Last month the supplier community provided comments on the proposed revisions, which are currently under review before they are finalized. The special provisions identify standards for data ownership and protection, data location, security incident notification, data storage and retrieval, and a several other factors specific to "as a service" offerings delivered through the cloud to state agencies and departments.

The state of California is revising its special terms and conditions for software as a service (SaaS) delivered to state agencies and departments through the cloud.

Last month the private sector provided comments on the proposed revisions, which are currently under review before they are finalized.

The special terms and conditions for cloud are attached to the state's general provisions for IT, a Statement of Work and service level agreements when state agencies and departments procure SaaS or other cloud computing services outside California's private cloud. The special provisions identify standards for data ownership and protection, data location, security incident notification, data storage and retrieval, and several other factors specific to "as a service" offerings.

The state's chief procurement officer, Jim Butler, said in December the first version of the provisions were considered a beta when they were released in fall 2014, and some "cleanup" is in order.

As of the end of 2015, as many as 1,000 firms have signed the state’s special provisions for cloud, Butler said, through the California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) program and the Software Licensing Program (SLP).

In May, for the first time the Department of General Services completed and released model contract provisions for infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) cloud computing agreements.

View the revised terms and conditions for SaaS here. View comments from the vendor community here.