Many local governments are returning from recess this week. Here is your weekly notice of contracts to watch. We've also included some pre-RFP plans and projects we’re following.
1. The city of San Jose will consider a suspension of taxes on offices and data centers during today’s City Council meeting. The suspension would apply to buildings within the city and could amount to refunds of more than $50,000 but less than $500,000.
2. Today’s City Council meeting for Riverside will include a discussion to adjust a current contract with Computronix. The contract will increase the overall cost by $482,000 to upgrade the Water Division’s Computer System and purchase software licenses.
3. San Francisco passed on April 6 telecommunications leases for emergency radio tower equipment and the surrounding area over the next 25 years: one for the Department of Technology at San Bruno Mountain State Park, South Hill Site, San Mateo County, at a yearly initial base rent of $43,884 to commence upon approval by the Board of Supervisors and Mayor and approving payment of $175,000 to the State Park Benefit Fund; and another for equipment at 1 Bayview Park Road, at an annual rental of $91,800 and a one-time fee of $25,000 for use as a radio transmission site for the city’s first responders.
4. The Long Beach City Council will vote today to join 19 other cities in an Engaged Communities Strategy. The program will use data, workflows and collaborations to solve challenges in business assistance, economic development, place-making and data-driven governance. The program will pull from existing staff time and the partner, Citymart, will address any other costs.
5. The city of Stockton's IT staff determined that the Library needed to replace its outdated broadband equipment in the Stockton Public Library to migrate to CalREN, the California Research and Education Network. Earlier this month the City Council was given a $122,000 contract proposal with AMS.NET for broadband network hardware equipment. Stockton says it's eligible for E-rate funding, so the city will receive an 85 percent discount on the cost of most of the network equipment needed for the migration.
6. The Santa Ana City Council will be asked tonight to approve a $741,000 contract addition with Infor Inc. for Lawson financial system maintenance, services and software licenses through May 2020. The city says it uses the Infor Lawson financial system to process, maintain, track and report on the city's financial information and transactions. The system went live in 2009.
Pre-RFP projects:
-- San Francisco's Municipal Transportation Agency is seeking system information software. The new system will replace the current, 15-year-old program and still provide accurate arrival information and customer communication.
-- Thousand Oaks is developing four transit projects. The traffic signal fiber optics and wireless hardware installation could cost up to $225,000. The other three projects could cost more than $550,000 together.
-- Caltrans has put out a request for information for one solution to replace five systems that currently collect different information. Permit management for several programs is included. Caltrans is also seeking pilot software for its Connected Corridors program.
-- California's Department of Corrections is seeking information regarding secure software for video calls, messaging and emails. Hardware such as kiosks and secure tablets would also be required for any program to develop.
-- CSU Sacramento is seeking cabling replacement in several buildings as construction occurs.