RFQ: Firewall Upgrade at OTech

The contractor, for the one-year duration of the contract, will provide project management staff and resources, collect and document customer network and security requirements, provide support for configuration migration and testing, and implement and test the security technology solution in the Department of Technology's production environment.

California's Office of Technology Services (OTech) is seeking a contractor to upgrade the firewalls in OTech's Tenant Managed Services environment.

The vendor will move OTech's premium environment to Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 8.3 code or later, according to RFQ released on Tuesday. Quotes are due Aug. 15.

The contractor, for the one-year duration of the contract, will provide project management staff and resources, collect and document customer network and security requirements, provide support for configuration migration and testing, and implement and test the security technology solution in the Department of Technology's production environment.

The contractor will use Cisco’s Collaboration Tools for the completion of services, according to the RFQ.

More information about these bids can be found on the state's procurement website, Cal eProcure. This information, gathered from official government sources, is intended only as notification of contracting and bid opportunities. Information is current as of July 27.