State Judicial Branch Details 2016 IT Projects

The California Judicial Branch has more than a dozen projects on its agenda for this year and beyond.

The California Judicial Branch has more than a dozen projects on its agenda for 2016 and beyond. A recent meeting document for the organization's Information Technology Advisory Committee details the initiatives (.pdf), some of which are summarized in brief below.

1. CMS Data Exchanges: "Identify a single data exchange standard between each justice partner and the judicial branch to use as a development target for case management system vendors."

2. Update E-Filing Standards: "Update the technical standards for court e-filing, namely, the XML specification and related schema." A future RFP might be part of this.

3. Next-Generation Hosting Strategy: "Outline industry best practices for hosting (including solution matrix with pros, cons, example applications, and costs) and "Identify requirements for centralized hosting.

4. Video Remote Interpreting Pilot: "Steps include identification of a court [participant] and issuance of an RFP for a no-cost vendor partner."

5. SRL E-Services: "Develop requirements and an RFP for establishing online branchwide self-represented litigants e-services."

6. Disaster Recovery Framework and Pilot: "Develop a disaster recovery framework document that could be adapted for any trial or appellate court to serve as a court's disaster recovery plan" and "pilot the framework by having one or more courts use it."

Longer term, the group also has been tasked with modernizing rules to support e-business and developing rules and legislation, if necessary, for using e-signatures. The target date for those changes is 2018.

The Judicial Branch's advisory committee is made up of more than 20 members across the state.