University of California Campuses Share $22 Million to Bolster Innovation

Funding will come from AB 2664, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expansion initiative authored by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last September.

The state has invested $22 million in the University of California in an effort to encourage innovation and support entrepreneurship efforts.

Funding will come from AB 2664, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expansion initiative authored by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in September. Under the measure, all 10 UC campuses will receive $2.2 million each to build out incubator space, equipment, training, legal services and lab space. 

According to a press release from the University of California, various efforts receiving funding include:

  • Amplified outreach to underrepresented groups that include women, minorities and veterans
  • Increased seed and proof-of-concept funding to bridge the gap between innovation-based research and market-driven products
  • Expanded lab and incubator capacity
  • Enhanced deployment of successful programs across campuses and among research labs
  • Accelerated startup launch and growth
  • Increased networking, mentoring, internship and entrepreneurship education opportunities
UC Davis announced its plans to use the funding to grow several of its programs, such as the off-campus business incubator UC Davis-HM.CLAUSE Life Science Innovation Center, as well as bolster economic engagement activities and stakeholder collaboration. 

“AB 2664 funding is important because it allows us to amplify, expand and sustain the success of our uniquely collaborative programs at UC Davis, which enable campus innovators and the entrepreneurial community to interact effectively for regional economic impact,” said Dushyant Pathak, associate vice chancellor for research and executive director of Venture Catalyst at UC Davis.