The city of Garland has listed multiple IT-related developing opportunities in its 2024 Proposed Capital Improvement Program.
According to the program, Garland is allocating $39.2 million to its Wastewater Collection Department for the rehabilitation or replacement of its sanitary sewer system, which will entail flow monitoring and closed-circuit television camera procurements.
Wastewater Collection will also receive $1.3 million for maintaining and improving the city’s sewer lift station infrastructure, which will require upgrades to its supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.
The city’s Water Department, which will receive $30.6 million, is also planning to upgrade its SCADA system in addition to enhancing pump station security features.
Garland is allocating $500,000 to its Stormwater Management Department for flood detection sensors, automated gates and cameras.
The city’s IT Department will receive $1.6 million to replace its telephone voicemail solution, $388,000 for fiber replacement and $6 million to replace all subscriber radios.