The Department of Information Resources has issued a pre-solicitation notice for technology solution services (TSS) for its Data Center Services (DCS) program.
The DCS program, a subset of the agency’s Shared Technology Services (STS) program, allows Texas government organizations to secure information resources technologies through the state, including TSS, security operations, mainframe services, public cloud management and more.
Selected vendors will perform multi-supplier application development, maintenance, solution design and staff augmentation services to eligible DIR customers through DCS at market-competitive rates. The current maximum threshold for DIR cooperative contract purchases is $10 million.
The agency previously released a solicitation for a new multisourcing services integrator (MSI) earlier this month. According to the DIR website, multiple future solicitations for STS program providers are in the planning phase, including for digital government services, data center services, geographic information systems and more.
The draft solicitation has the request for offers (RFO) scheduled tentatively for release on Jan. 22. A bidder’s conference is scheduled for 2 p.m. Jan 28. Questions regarding the RFO will be due at 2 p.m. Feb. 14. The response deadline is scheduled for 2 p.m. March 18. Cassandra Holmes is the point of contact for this pre-solicitation.
DIR to Solicit for Technology Solution Services Providers
Selected vendors will perform multi-supplier application development, maintenance, solution design and staff augmentation services to eligible DIR customers.
