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Ector County Schools Bond Includes Tech Projects

A portion of the $436.1 million bond includes several tech replacements, purchases and refreshes.

Ector County ISD logo.jpg
The Ector County ISD (ECISD) Board of Trustees unanimously voted on Tuesday to place three school bond propositions on the ballot for Nov. 7.

The bond has a total $436.1 million in proposed spending. Proposition A of the bond, totaling $424.3 million, includes multiple departments, schools and a new career and technical education center.

The technology department is in this portion and includes:
  • District phone system replacement
  • Fire alarm, clock, bell and PA replacements
  • Security camera refresh
  • Interactive classroom flat panels
  • Audio and visual equipment

Propositions B and C are largely for construction across the district. ECISD serves 33,500 students in the greater Odessa area.


Ector County