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HHSC Requests Patient Assistance Program Navigation Software

The requested solution must be configurable to meet the commission’s business needs and have processing capabilities, enhanced reviewing features, comprehensive reporting, advanced production capabilities and the ability to handle large data quantities.

The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has issued a request for offer (RFO) for a patient assistance program navigation software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution.

According to the RFO, HHSC requires a web-based system “that contains a central repository or library of available drug-manufacturer and third-party prescription assistance programs available to clients.”

The purpose of the requested system is to assist in medication and prescription therapy procurements, locate all forms of available Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs), streamline application processes, act as a centralized search and submission point for PAPs and train care navigators.

The requested solution must be configurable to meet HHSC’s business needs and have processing capabilities, enhanced reviewing features, comprehensive reporting, advanced production capabilities and the ability to handle large data quantities.

HHSC is looking to enter an initial contract with the chosen vendor for two years with a possibility for extension for up to three years.

More detailed information about RFO No. HHS0014057, including all minimum requirements and requested services, can be found online. An online pre-proposal conference will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday. The deadline for question submissions is 5 p.m. Friday. The due date for proposals is 10:30 a.m. March 15. Fernando Garcia is the point of contact for this RFO.
Chandler Treon is an Austin-based staff writer. He has a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s degree in literature and a master’s degree in technical communication, all from Texas State University.