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HHSC Seeking Consolidated Electronic Health Record Solution

The Health and Human Services Commission and its agencies, the Health and Specialty Care System and the Department of State Health Services, are looking to consolidate their electronic health records.

Closeup of a stethoscope resting on a keyboard.
The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and two of its agencies have issued a pre-solicitation for a software-as-a-service (SaaS) consolidated electronic health record (E-HR) solution.

HHSC, along with the Health and Specialty Care System and the Department of State Health Services, make up the oversight advisory team for the consolidated electronic health record project. According to the notice, the chosen vendor will be expected to host the cloud-based SaaS solution “that provides for the nine state hospital facilities, the Texas Center for Infectious Disease, the Waco Center for Youth, the Montgomery County Mental Health Facility and the 13 State Supported Living Centers across the state of Texas."

The closing date for pre-solicitation notice Pre-HHS0013978_ is Nov. 22.

Andrick Reese is the point of contact for this notice.
Chandler Treon is an Austin-based staff writer. He has a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s degree in literature and a master’s degree in technical communication, all from Texas State University.