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Midland Lists AI and Communications Tech in 2025 Proposed Budget

The city's strategic plan calls for the city to “leverage and expand the use of technology to facilitate the exchange of information,” and “harness automation and artificial intelligence technology for efficient resource utilization.”

Midland, Texas, skyline
Midland, Texas. (Photo: Midland Development Corporation)
The city of Midland plans to integrate artificial intelligence and expand its use of communication technology in 2025, supported by a proposed $9.2 million technology fund and $12.1 million Information Technology Systems Department (ITSD) budget.

The proposed technology fund is a $2.5 million increase from 2024, which the city’s proposed budget book attributes to an increased demand for technology across the city and “the inflated costs of software renewals.”

The city’s strategic plan lists two goals that explicitly point to upcoming tech procurements: the enhancement of its communication efficiency and the implementation of cutting-edge practices.

The plan calls for the city to “leverage and expand the use of technology to facilitate the exchange of information,” and “harness automation and artificial intelligence technology for efficient resource utilization.”

Additionally, the city plans to create eight new ITSD positions to meet growing tech demands.
Chandler Treon is an Austin-based staff writer. He has a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s degree in literature and a master’s degree in technical communication, all from Texas State University.