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North Central Texas COG Seeks Multiple AI Solutions

The council is looking to establish a master services agreement with one or more vendors through its TXShare purchasing cooperative.

Hand holding a bubble with the letters AI and surrounded by question marks
The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is seeking artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for public-sector entities, including municipalities, counties, school districts and others.

According to a request for proposals (RFP), the council is looking to establish a master services agreement with one or more vendors through its TXShare purchasing cooperative.

Selected vendors will be responsible for providing AI solutions that address administration, development services, event management, economic development, finance, human resources, cybersecurity, library services, municipal courts, parks and recreation, maintenance, public works, utility billing, visitor engagement and other government departments.

Proposed solutions must easily integrate with existing systems, be accessible to all stakeholders, include comprehensive training for staff, and ensure both data security and privacy compliance.

More detailed information about RFP No. 2025-018, including all submission requirements and requests, can be found online. A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held via Microsoft Teams at 10 a.m. Dec. 12.

Questions regarding the solicitation are due at 5 p.m. Dec. 18. The deadline for proposals is 12 p.m. Jan. 17. Lisa Littrell is the point of contact for this RFP.

Just last month, NCTCOG released an RFP for an AI integration consultant. That solicitation closes Dec. 18.
Chandler Treon is an Austin-based staff writer. He has a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s degree in literature and a master’s degree in technical communication, all from Texas State University.