The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has issued two requests for qualifications (RFQ) from contractors to produce accessible electronic files for Texas public schools and print copy materials, specifically in Braille-ready format (BRF).
For RFQ No. 701-23-017, the awarded contractor will be responsible for producing master BRF files using instructional materials approved by the State Board of Education (SBOE) on an as-needed basis.
Master BRF files for K-12 instructional materials must be produced at a high volume in Unified English Braille (UEB) format. Tactile graphics should be produced using a method best suited for reader comprehension.
According to the RFQ, “TEA requires that a certified transcriber supervises the process and checks the Brailled instructional material to verify conformance to the standard instructional material format.” Additionally, all materials should be proofread by a Library of Congress-certified proofreader.
The expected timeline for the completion of BRF file requests is 120 days from the date of each local education agency (LEA) order.
More detailed information about RFQ No. 701-23-017, including all minimum requirements and requested services, can be found online. An online pre-proposal meeting will be held on Dec. 7 at 1 p.m. The deadline for question submissions is Dec. 14 at 2 p.m. The due date for responses is Jan. 4 at 2 p.m. Questions should be submitted to
Additionally, TEA has issued RFQ No. 701-23-018 for the production of Braille copy materials for Texas public schools.
According to the RFQ, “The awarded contractor(s) will be responsible for copying (i.e., embossing), binding, shipping and ensuring delivery of Braille instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education (SBOE) in November 2023 under Proclamation 2024.” This may include the production of instructional materials approved by the SBOE in future review and approval cycles on an as-needed basis.
The awarded contractor must agree to use TEA’s electronic instructional materials state ordering system (EMAT) or other TEA-specified system to track orders from LEAs for Braille instructional materials.
TEA expects high-quality, accurate Braille materials that have been proofread by at least two Library of Congress-certified proofreaders and had their graphics and special formats reviewed by an experienced teacher certified to teach Braille.
More detailed information about RFQ No. 701-23-018, including all minimum requirements and requested services, can be found online. An online pre-proposal meeting will be held on Dec. 7 at 2 p.m. The deadline for question submissions is Dec. 14 at 2 p.m. The due date for responses is Jan. 4 at 2 p.m. Questions should be submitted to
TEA Requests Accessible Electronic Files and Materials for Public Schools
The agency has issued separate solicitations for electronic files in Braille-ready format and the production of Braille copy materials for Texas public schools.