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True Partnerships Delivering Quality and Value CGI manages complex, multi-stakeholder information technology projects, integrating, streamlining and modernizing systems and business processes to reduce costs and better serve citizens. Government organizations turn to us for our collaborative approach, decades-long California state government experience, and consistent on-time and on-budget delivery. Highlights of our 25 year partnership with the State of California include:

  • $2.8 billion in estimated revenue increases by 2016/2017, and $128M to date, from CGI's solution for the Franchise Tax Board's Enterprise Data to Revenue Project
  • $200 million in annual federal penalties eliminated for the Department of Child Support Services
  • $11 billion+ of welfare benefits reconciled annually by the EBT Statewide Automated Reconciliation System
  • 160+ successfully completed IT projects
  • 9.5+/10.0 average client satisfaction scores for CGI's work with the State of California.

About CGI

  • More than 35 years of long-term growth with 69,000 professionals in 40+ countries
  • Client proximity operating model fosters local accountability for client satisfaction and success
  • ISO-9001 certified quality frameworks result in CGI's on-time, on-budget delivery track record