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Tracking the Spend: Department Bought Speed Guns, Analysis Tools

Other purchases included software licenses, data protection and a threat-prevention solution.

A key department in state government that deals with public safety spent just more than $4.1 million in the third quarter of 2022 on its five largest purchases of IT goods.

According to the State Contracting and Procurement Registration System, the California Highway Patrol spent $4,151,717 from July 1 through Sept. 30 on its five largest buys of IT goods. They were, with rounding:
  • Palo Alto Networks Subscription Bundle Threat Prevention (“PAN-ENT-SUB-ELA-B-3YR, Enterprise License Agreement … Year 2 of 3),” purchased Aug. 24 from Enterprise Networking Solutions (now part of Optm) under a Statewide Contract, for $1,986,399.
  • VMware end-user licensing agreement, a three-year contract for $799,121 purchased Aug. 15 from Dell Marketing LP under a Software Licensing Agreement (SLA).
  • TruSpeed S speed-measuring devices (“speed guns”) and related items, for 328 units at $1,492 each, purchased Aug. 23 from Laser Technology Inc. for $747,729 under a one-year Cooperative Agreement contract.
  • Commvault Complete Data Protection” for Non-Virtual and File, in an Aug. 15 competitive contract for $323,468 with ePlus Technology.
  • Analytics Business Intelligence Suite Viewer, a data analysis tool, in a Sept. 30 SLA contract for $295,000 with Visionary Integration Professionals.
Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.