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San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

Billboards from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and speed camera warning signs on freeway off-ramps and in bus shelters are intended to caution drivers as more than 50 of the devices arrive in March.
“You can almost look at it like a software subscription,” said Eric Matthews, the county deputy CIO. “It’s very common for organizations that don’t do leasing to hang onto equipment well past their end of life because of the huge expense it costs to replace it.”
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency said it plans to roll out the cameras in February, more than a year after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation allowing San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose and three other cities to pilot the program for five years.
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency got the OK this week to pursue its plan for automated speed enforcement in 33 locations throughout the city — and vendors got a new bidding opportunity.
The system's loop cable, which transmits the data between the central servers and the trains, is old, “has less bandwidth than an old AOL dial-up modem,” and is too fragile to extend above ground.
Since last month’s low-speed crash, which resulted in no injuries, Cruise CEO Kyle Vogt said the company chose to conduct a voluntary recall, and the software update assured such a rare incident “would not recur.”
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency was able to work from previous successes in creating a tool that would help motorists avoid being towed.
With no end in sight to the pandemic-induced downturn in public transportation ridership, many Bay Area transit agencies are warily eyeing their operating budgets, which have been kept afloat by billions in federal relief money during the public health crisis.
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