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Profiles in Government: Health and Human Services

In its Fiscal Year 2026-27 legislative appropriations request, the Health and Human Services Commission requested $2.4 billion for IT-related projects.

The Texas Health and Human Services logo superimposed in front of the agency's building.
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has listed several IT projects in its strategic plan for the coming biennium, including expansions to its artificial intelligence implementations.

HHSC provides oversight and administrative support for Health and Human Services, which also includes the Department of State Health Services.


Budget: The commission’s annual budget is more than $46 billion.

The agency’s IT budget is $1.7 billion, with 1,986 IT employees, former CIO Ricardo Blanco told Industry Insider — Texas in 2023; the entire agency employs more than 38,600 across the state. They serve more than 7.5 million Texans with various health, wellness and social services.

In its Fiscal Year 2026-27 legislative appropriations request, HHSC requested $2.4 billion in exceptional funding for IT-related projects.

Leadership: Cecile Erwin Young is the HHSC executive commissioner.

Sylvia Hernández Kauffman assumed the role of chief information officer in August 2024.

Kauffman will headline an Industry Insider — Texas member briefing in April.

Below are tech-related goals listed in the department’s FY 2025-2029 agency strategic plan:
  • Continuously improve business strategies with optimized technology and a culture of data-driven decision-making
  • Defend against cybersecurity threats to protect agency assets and citizens’ confidential data
  • Expand advanced data analysis techniques to identify trends and outliers for audits, inspections, investigations and reviews
HHSC posts procurements at Texas SmartBuy; its agency search number is 529.
Chandler Treon is an Austin-based staff writer. He has a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s degree in literature and a master’s degree in technical communication, all from Texas State University.