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Public Safety Department Intends to Procure Criminal History Platform

The Texas Department of Public Safety has been working to consolidate the multiple systems currently used to administer computerized criminal history system functions into a single platform.

A pair of handcuffs resting on top of a laptop keyboard.
The Department of Public Safety (DPS) has issued a pre-solicitation notice regarding the purchase of a computerized criminal history (CCH) system.

The 60-day notice is for planning purposes only, and the planned RFO number will be 24R0015974.

According to a request for information posted in October, CCH receives and maintains criminal history record information for arrestees in the state as reported to DPS by local criminal justice agencies throughout Texas and provides background check results to users who make inquiries on the DPS website.

As listed in the General Appropriations Act, $6.8 million has been allocated in the DPS capital budget in 2024 for the department to acquire “crime records service information technology.” Another $1.4 million was allocated for a “case management and reporting system.”

The department was also previously awarded a $7.5 million Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant by the U.S. Department of Justice for the modernization of computerized criminal history data.