Introduced in 2022, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has expanded the digital licensing and tagging program with multiple options for both hunting and fishing tags.
Texas Department of Agriculture CIO Chris Bunton and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department CIO Jamie McClanahan both expressed IT’s increased importance in their respective agencies at a recent member briefing.
According to the request, the agency requires $27 million for IT capital budget items and $8 million for a single IT exceptional item.
The state has been identified as one of the top leaders in the IT space, tackling cybersecurity and artificial intelligence from the top down.
The agency is looking for a cloud-based applicant tracker with criminal background and social media reporting capabilities for hiring law enforcement.
The agency is seeking a vendor contracted with the Department of Information Resources to run 12-strand, single-mode OSP fiber throughout Davis Mountains State Park.
TPWD has recommended approving the swap internally, and a resolution approving the land transfer is on the agenda for TPWD's meeting in Austin tomorrow.
The state Parks and Wildlife Department has about $5 million in hand for its anticipated Boat Registration Information and Titling System modernization.
The agency that oversees 640,000 acres of parks and other sites will use an OpenGov platform.
The department is seeking a vendor to supply a software application or service that can support the delivery of spatial data into an interactive map and create summary reports.
The agency, which has 13 divisions and celebrates its 100th birthday this year, has a $16.2 million IT budget.
Texas Parks and Wildlife’s Jamie McClanahan discusses enhancing customer service with connectivity.